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10 strange but creative offices

The BBC have compiled a list of 10 strange offices from around the UK who practice the strategy of having fun and bizarre offices to stimulate creativity. Mind Candy, the games developer behind the hit Moshi Monster series, has a tree house in their UK office along with hobbit-like holes …

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Cool Office Cubicles

Inc.com have compiled a list of 9 of their favorite office cubicles from around the world. Some of these are really amazing and will make you quite envious.
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Self-Repairing Bio Trainers

London-based designer, Shamees Aden, had released information about a concept she is creating involving 3D printed trainers made from a synthetic biological material.
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Wind Powered Skyscraper by SOM

American design firm, Skidmore, Owings & Merill have unveiled plans for a 530 meter skyscraper in Indonesia that will harvest wind energy at its peak. We can called it a wind powered skyscraper. 
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Car Elevators for Miami Tower

It's nice to see how the other half live, isn't it? Well! The new Porsche Design Tower in Miami will have car elevators that will let residents drive their cars into their apartments.
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Floating House by Dymitr Malcew

Singapore-based designer, Dymitr Malcew, has designed this stunning floating house for French devloper, H2ORIZON.
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PANTONE Colour of the Year 2014 Revealed

PANTONE, the world-renowned colour authority have released their Colour of the Year for 2014. The lucky winner? 18-3224.
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Villa Kogelhof wows in Holland

This breathtaking house in Holland was designed by Paul de Ruiter Architects and features a raised rectangular space mirrored perpendicularly by another resting underneath the ground.
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Doodle Chairs – scribbles brought to life

Japanese artist, Daigo Fukawa, has designed a set of furniture based on squiggles and doodles drawn on paper.
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