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commentary from Smartglass.

Light Projection Illusions – Bot and Dolly

This amazing short film from Bot and Dolly, a design and engineering firm in San Francisco, has been gaining a lot of attention over the past week for its incredible use of light projection mapping on moving objects.
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Buy Your Hotel Room Furniture

Aloft Hotels are now giving their guests the opportunity to purchase the furniture that they enjoyed during their stay.
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Annoying Things About Hotels

Hotel Chatter have comprised a list of the most irritating things they encounter while staying at hotels.
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Walkie Talkie Melts Cars

A Jaguar XJ has been damaged by light reflecting off the new Walkie Talkie building in London.
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Rubbish Concept Store

Nike have opened a new concept store in Shanghai that has an interior made entirely from recycled rubbish.
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Most Expensive Construction Countries

Hong Kong tops the list of most expensive countries to build in according to research done by consultants EC Harris.
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Space Invader Couch

Los Angeles based designer, Igor Chak, has created a furniture collection inspired by retro video games.
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Architect Claims Prince Has Rule Over London Projects

Richard Rogers has claimed that Prince Charles has the ability to veto any London development if he is opposed to the plans.
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Westfield Scheme Back On Track

The £275m Westfield Bradford scheme will resume after 5 years delay due to the financial crisis.
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